- Soft Leaf Buffalo : This is a drought and shade tolerant turf Soft leaf Buffalo needs minimal water and fertilizer to maintain its lush green colour and can be mowed on a lower setting than other Buffalo varieties. soft Leaf Buffalo provides top quality lawn in both full sun or shade and is non invasive.
- Santa Ana Couch : This couch is a very fine leafed couch and is seen for it’s attractive appearance and holds a deep colour over the cooler months. Santa Ana couch is a very low maintenance turf and very hard wearing. Santa Ana couch is less invasive than conquest couch. Santa Ana couch can be cut very short and can also be used as a golf green. It is also drought tolerant.
- Kikuyu : Kikuyu turf is drought tolerant and needs minimal water, it will cope very well with allot of traffic and is very good at repairing it self from wear and tear. Kikuyu needs to mowed on a higher setting than couch and can also be invasive. It is another true low maintenance turf.
- Tall Fescue : Tall Fescue has the darkest green blades you will find on all the turf’s. It is good for showcasing and front yards but does need more maintenance and water than all the rest. Tall Fescue is suited better in the shade and likes to be mowed a little taller than all the other turf’s.